Mustang Heat Extraction Hood Vents Black Mamba 45 Degree 2010-2014

Mustang Heat Extraction Hood Vents Black Mamba 45 Degree 2010-2014
Availability: In Stock
You asked for it, we listened! We have added the option of having 45 degree vents on your 2010-14 Ford Mustang GT500 Black Mamba Hood and 2010-14 Ford Mustang GT/V6 Black Mamba II Hood! Comes in a set of 2, these vents are made to replace your flat or billet style vents.

45 Degree Vents installed on a Black Mamba Hood.

 photo 2010-2014 Ford Mustang Black Mamba fiberglass  Hood Vents Carbon Fiber 45 Degrees_zps8d5ullbt.jpg

Don't have a Black Mamba hood?...just custom fit to your car! Exact dimensions are difficult, so we provided you below the estimated Hood Vent size.

 photo 2010-2014 Ford Mustang Black Mamba fiberglass  Hood Vents Carbon Fiber 45 Degrees_zps8d5ullbt.jpg