2004-2006 Pontiac GTO Carbon Creations DriTech Stingray Z Hood
Fits 2004 2005 2006 Pontiac GTO.
This hood is manufactured by company quality standards to ensure proper fitment and durability. Every part is made with Grade "A" carbon fiber and finished with a premium clear coat for UV protection. Manufacturers parts are up to 70% lighter than OEM parts, increasing performance and style
This Hood is manufactured with a special chemical formula which features an Ultra UV Resistant clear gel coat. This hood is fully buffed and polished and has an excellent visual finish. The hood inner retains all of the factory reinforcements and retains air functionality The inner is finished in a black gel coat, which can be left unpainted.
•100% Grade "A" Carbon Fiber
•High Gloss Finish
•UV Coating
•Maximum Strength & Durability
•Authenticity Badge
•Up To 70% Lighter Than OEM Factory Parts
•1 Year Limited Warranty
•Quality Mesh Grille (where applicable)

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